Free Alumni Portal | Engagement Platform

AI Enabled Alumni Engagement Platform

Building Bonds

With many years of experience in being a part of alumni networks as well as in alumni associations at various levels and roles, we know that alumni engagement is at the heart of alumni relations.

When students make the transition to alumni, there is a huge drop in their engagement with the institute – and while they remain well connected to each other through social media, their links with the institute disappear over time, as does the desire to help it grow.

Which is why, our proven AI Enabled Alumni Engagement Platform has three components that together help in re-building the bonds between the alumni and their alma mater.

1. Cutting Edge Alumni Portal

This forms the nucleus of the alumni engagement platform and provides a base for all the other components.

Easy Access - Web, iOS & Android

We empower alumni with a fully-featured, user-friendly interface on the web, mobile, and app – because we believe staying connected should be on your terms.

Widgets Galore

We’ve built innovative widgets! From the latest news to peer interactions, achievements, and social updates – find everything you need on one destination.

Database Search

We put the power in alumni hands to discover and connect effortlessly through our database search functionality. Find friends, batchmates, seniors, and juniors at the click of a button.

Career Zone

This remains by far the most visited section! Exploring job listings, applying for opportunities, and seeking career support within the alumni community.

Entrepreneur Coterie

We’ve built a set of sections to dive into the gig economy! Explore business opportunities, connect with fellow alumni entrepreneurs, and find mentors or investors for your ventures.

QR Code ID Cards

Experience convenience with our innovative QR code-based ID cards. From event entry passes to future functionalities – it’s all in the palm of your hand.

Seamless Social Integration

Connect effortlessly! We make it easy to invite alumni with a click, explore social media groups across platforms, and foster a sense of community.

User-Friendly Backend

Alumni, Student or Faculty Alumni Committee have full control with our user-friendly backend. Update profiles, access real-time information, and empower office bearers and volunteers with individual admin access.

Chapters & Groups

Chapters of Alumni Associations get their own admin roles to list and manage G2G events and online meets planned by them.

To join premium institutes like XIMB, JIM, DAV

get your own Free AI Enabled Alumni engagement Platform

2. Assimilating Institute, Faculty & Students

This is a crucial component as it helps in making the alumni once again feel a part of their alma mater

Involving Institute Admins and Alumni Associations

Our platform enables both Institute Admins as well as Alumni Associations to re-build and grow bonds with their alumni network.

Faculty Alumni Committee

Our unique Alumni Engagement Platform integrates involvement of faculty handling alumni affairs so as to enable them to tap alumni resources for industry linkages, placements, immersion courses etc

Student Alumni Committee

Student alumni committee’s are integral to building alumni engagement as they help alumni in staying informed about campus activities and at the same time help students get valuable exposure.

Want to know more about how your alumni can get exclusive offers from premium brands such as IFB, Jawa Motorcycles, Melorra & more?

3. AlumZine

The weekly AlumZines with the latest information from the alma mater along with a host of other useful information and exclusive brand offers are the final component that re-builds and cements the alumni-alma mater bonds

Alumni / Alma Mater update

We keep alumni in the loop with real-time happenings! AlumZine features a dedicated section for Alma Mater and Alumni updates, delivering the latest on events, milestones, news, and collaborative initiatives.

Exclusive Brand Offers

Enjoy premium offers! AlumZine brings you exclusive deals from top brands, specially curated for our esteemed alumni community.

Knowledge, Entertainment & More

AlumZine, also goes beyond alumni updates. It has curated content with the latest reviews and recommendations of cinematic and OTT releases, along with long-read articles sourced from the best publications and alumni contributions.

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